When dressing your child for daycare, it’s important to make sure that he or she is dressed appropriately and ready to face the day. Sending your child in clothing that doesn’t fit well, isn’t appropriate for the weather forecast, or is too formal for the setting will make for a difficult day for his or her teachers. In this post, we’ll discuss some important do’s and don’ts of dressing your kiddo for daycare so you can be sure he or she will arrive ready to learn and participate in the day’s activities. If you’re interested in enrolling your son or daughter in our early education programs, contact one of our 10 Arizona locations now to get started!

Do Label Your Child’s Clothing

Take the time to write his or her name on everything that is taken to daycare. This includes clothing, bags, jackets, socks, shoes, and any toys or other accessories. It is essential to keep clothing separate from other children and will ensure that the wrong jacket or bag isn’t grabbed at the end of the day. If a favorite toy or pair of shoes does end up lost, they will be quickly identified with a glance and then returned to the rightful owner. Your son or daughter’s teacher will also appreciate your forethought so that there isn’t a huge pile of lost clothing to deal with at the end of the semester or year.

Don’t Send Your Child to Daycare in Backless Shoes

Flip-flops, slides, and slip-on sneakers are adorable, but should be reserved for the weekend or time outside of daycare. Not only will backless shoes easily come off and be difficult to find if lost, but they can easily pose a dangerous tripping risk for your child. We all know that children can be clumsy and prone to falling down, so do your child and the teacher a favor and send him or her in sneakers or comfortable sandals with a strap to keep them on safely.

Do Send an Extra Set of Clothing

Accidents happen, and if your child spills a whole cup of grape juice or falls into a mud puddle, he or she will need to have an extra set of clean clothes and a pair of shoes to change into. As the seasons change, make sure that you send weather-appropriate clothing so your kiddo won’t end up wearing a sleeveless shirt and shorts when it’s snowing outside, or be stuck in snow pants and a parka when the temperature outdoors is in 90+ degrees. Also, don’t forget to purchase new clothing in larger sizes if your child goes through a sudden growth spurt. While this may take some planning, you’ll appreciate not being called by the daycare in the middle of an important business meeting because your kiddo needs more clothing and you need to bring some to the school.

Don’t Allow Your Child to Wear Jewelry

While necklaces, bracelets, earrings, and rings are fun to wear, they do pose a choking hazard and could seriously cause injury to other children. Other classmates could also become jealous of your kiddo, which might incite fights and tantrums in the classroom. While jewelry is a fun way to play dress up and accessorize an outfit, it’s best to leave it at home when leaving for daycare in the morning.

Do Dress Your Child Appropriately

If it’s going to be hot during the day and you know that he or she will be playing outside, make sure your kiddo wears the right outfit. Furthermore, don’t dress your child in fancy or dress-up clothing that could easily become ruined. While princess dresses and superhero costumes are ideal for imaginative play, they’re not appropriate for a day spent at daycare or playing outside. Your child’s teacher will truly appreciate your kiddo not showing up in a special dress or outfit that could easily become stained and instead is ready to take on the day in kid-appropriate clothing.

Dressing your child in the right clothing for daycare will help him or her to have a fantastic day around friends while learning new and exciting things. Contact Valley Learning Centers now to schedule a tour or to enroll your child! We look forward to hearing from you!