October is without a doubt the spookiest time of year. With haunted houses, corn mazes, and dressing up in costumes, there are plenty of activities to pack into your schedule before the month is up. If you are looking for fun ways to prolong the Halloween spirit this fall, then Valley Child Care and Learning Centers is here to help! We offer a variety of early childhood education programs for your little one, but a large part of our program is helping parents find new ways to spend time with their children while also encouraging them to explore new things and use their imagination. Our certified childcare providers offer curriculums that are designed around your child’s needs, and we make sure to keep you informed about everything your child learns in our programs. If you are interested in learning more, contact Valley Child Care and Learning Centers or schedule an appointment at one of our 10 Phoenix locations today!

Most people associate traditions with the winter holidays, but you can create new traditions at any point throughout the year. In today’s post, we will give you a few ideas of new traditions that you can start with your family this Halloween to prolong the spooky spirit.

Decorate Your House

One of the best parts of Halloween is picking out scary decorations to hang both outside and inside your home. While some years decorating the house may have been a job for the parents, why not try making it a family affair? You can start by including your little ones in the planning process and find out if there are any elements that they want to see or that they liked from previous years. Once you have a solid decoration plan, you can head to the store and pick out decorations as a family. If you really want to get your kiddos involved, encourage them to pick out a sign or a decoration that they like so they feel included. After you’ve gathered everything to make your spooky vision a reality, gather your family and start decorating together.

“Boo” Your Neighbors

“Booing” is a Halloween tradition that you may or may not have heard of, and it is perfect for families with younger children. The idea is to fill a small bucket or a paper bag with treats or goodies and deliver it to a neighbor’s house. Make sure you include a note that says, “You’ve been booed!” If you get booed, you place the image of the ghost in your window so that the next person can choose a neighbor who hasn’t yet received treats. When it’s your turn to boo one of your neighbors, you gather your treats, place the bag on their doorstep, ring the doorbell, and run away before they answer. This Halloween trickery is meant to be anonymous and is sure to delight your children. Not only will they love the surprise of treats, but it will also teach them how to “pay it forward” and do something nice for someone else.

Carve Pumpkins

Carving pumpkins is another Halloween tradition that never goes out of style. While your little ones may be too young to use some of the sharp carving tools, there are still many ways that you can introduce them to the tradition. Start by going to the local pumpkin patch to pick out your pumpkins. Some children take forever to find the perfect gourd, while others may choose the biggest pumpkin they can find! Once you’ve acquired your canvas, work together to create the pattern and scoop out the innards. If you feel like making the process more involved, you can have your children help you pick out the pumpkin seeds from their pumpkin and roast them to make a healthy snack!

These are just a few traditions that you can start with your family this year to prolong the magic and fright of Halloween. At Valley Child Care and Learning Center, we are always promoting new ways for your children to use their imagination and try new things. Browse our website to learn more about our early childhood education programs and give us a call to schedule an appointment today!

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